
Showing posts from August, 2017
So I'm just going to JUMP in and DO (Make it HAPPEN) As a dance educator, my goals are to: empower kids with physical confidence curate safe opportunities to create and share (this encompasses a lot) build skills and tracking progress (let kids actually SEE they can succeed) maintain a safe place place socially for children to be themselves learn tools to deal with emotions experience HIGHS from movement. Joy, happiness, courage curate opportunities for children to succeed and a safe place to "fail" and try again set clear expectations for outcomes, guidelines for creating rejoice together in life experiences except (vs dismiss) each other in our full, messy selves This is not building dancers. It's allowing dance to assist in the building of people. This is my passion. I want to make a difference. I want to be fulfilled in using my skills I want to bring in income for me and my family What I have to offer is of REAL value I have both skills and a